What Is Bounce?
People who rebound find they are able to work longer, sleep better, and feel less tense and nervous. The effect is not just psychological, because the action of bouncing up and down against gravity, without trauma to the musculoskeletal system, is one of the most beneficial aerobic exercises ever developed.
- Bouncing helps the joints from the chronic fatigue delivered by exercising on hard surfaces.
- Bouncing increases circulation and strengthens the heart and other muscles in the body so that they work more efficiently.
- Bouncing helps lift your booty, increase muscle tone, improve balance and amplify weight loss results.
How To Train:
1- Get Your Boots
2- Get Your Workouts
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3- Track Your Progress:
Follow our workout activity cards to stay on track of your workouts.
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-->> Well, you can't just Bounce to any ole thang... ATL got the beats! <<--
Meal Plan:
Find a meal plan that compliments your workouts if your goal is weight loss. See a nutritionist or dietitian for the best meals to compliment your fitness goals.